
Showing posts from July, 2011

Facebook and Twitter are creating a vain generation of self-obsessed people with child-like need for feedback, warns top scientist

This can result in reduced concentration, a need for instant gratification and poor non-verbal skills, such as the ability to make eye contact during conversations. More than 750million people across the world use Facebook to share photographs and videos and post regular updates of their movements and thoughts. Millions have also signed up to Twitter, the 'micro-blogging' service that lets members circulate short text and picture messages about themselves. Baroness Greenfield, former director of research body the Royal Institution, said: 'What concerns me is the banality of so much that goes out on Twitter. 'Why should someone be interested in what someone else has had for breakfast? It reminds me of a small child (saying): “Look at me Mummy, I'm doing this”, “Look at me Mummy I'm doing that”. 'It's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis. In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp.' The academic suggested that some...

Sebuah Konsul Yang Aneh

Malam ini, seperti biasa, tugas malam jaga di ICU, situasi tenang sampai menjelang berpindahnya hari. Tapi akhirnya telepon pun berdering, dan sebuh konsul diajukan kepada kita. Seorang wanita, 38 tahun dengan karsinoma paru pasca radiasi dan telah metastasis otak dan tulang, mau dimasukkan ke ICU, karena saturasi turun, tekanan darah turun. Tetapi yang miris, ada pernyataan yang keluar, kenapa pasien mau dimasukkan ke ICU? Alasannya karena menunggu dokter primernya visite besok pagi. Wah, apakah alasan ini benar? Ataukah hanya sekedar dibuat-buat? Memasukkan pasien kategori 3 ke ICU, hanya dengan indikasi seperti ini, seperti membuat kita harus meredefinisikan lagi nurani kita... Semoga alasan ini tidak benar, dan ada alasan yang jauh lebih masuk akal untuk memberikan pasien ini sejumlah intervensi intensif yang memasungkan kualitas hidupnya.